Significance of rituals in Hindu marriage | Explain step by step

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Hindu marriage ( wedding ) is a special bonding between two person’s souls becoming one . It’s not just confined to  two persons but also a  bonding between two families. It’s a moment to become one soul from two When we move outside India ,the meaning of the marriages change. 

 The auspiciousness through which we see Hindu wedding India is different from other countries .After marriage the couple go through multiple divorces outside India which is very uncommon in India because the lens through which we see marriage in India is not same as the marriage which we see  outside India or in different religions .

In our  Shastras or scriptures there is no mention of divorce because nothing like divorce exists in Hinduism or

Marriage is considered to be a special ritual in Hinduism. During rituals, the bride and the groom take vows Of not letting each other in any circumstances. The rituals that happen during marriage plays a divine role  in bride and groom’s life.

 According to Hindu  calendar, there are two Paksha

One is called as Shukla paksha whereas another one is called as Krishna Paksha. Most of the marriages take place in Shukla Paksha . Marriage or Hindu wedding takes place in which month or in which date or in which Muharata plays a vital role according to Hinduism.

 These are not superstitions but complete science  which  revolves around it . From thousands of years ago ,  we know through Hindu scriptures or Shastra and now it has been scientifically proven that planetary movement going on in space has a direct  impact on our life. So doing something auspicious when the planetary position is not accurate or not in the right place then it can Impact our life or body adversely. That’s why it’s been recommended to do things at the right time Specially the Marriages . 

 The rituals which are being followed in Hindu wedding have a great impact on the bride or groom’s life . Not even a single ritual that happens during marriages is  unscientific. And this is the big reason why Hindu marriages stay forever . 

Let us now go through the main rituals which happen during marriages .

 Roka ceremony


This is the beginning  or the first step towards getting married .  The  word Roka itself defines the  roka ceremony . Getting engaged  with each other in such a way that there is no space for any male or female in their life . Now they are  ready to dedicate  their whole life  for each other . 

 And this is the time  when their families officially meet with each other and do  a lot of talks regarding marriage . Both families exchange sweets and gifts with each other and Show their respects . Put the Tilak on the bride and groom’s forehead and wish them good luck for their coming futures .

Rings are exchanged between bride and groom and this is basically known as the ring ceremony which goes with the roka ceremony in many families . During Puja,  the priest invokes the God  and goddess  through mantras and passes the blessing to the bride and groom . 

 The presence of the brother or the Cousin of the bride is a must in this ceremony  because he is the one who has to perform the pooja and  put the Tilak on the  groom’s forehead . The Mantras or the slokas are being chanted by  the priest to make it auspicious . During the ceremony, women from the groom’s side Sing many traditional  (songs)  which are specially dedicated to this special ceremony . 

Menhadi ceremony

As we all know that during marriages or Hindu wedding, there is a  lot of work or preparation that needs to be done for functions due to which  there is less time to sleep at night for every member in the family .

Sleepless night causes headache, nausea etc .  Especially for the bride  because she is the one who has to go through many rituals . So to make her cool down , the Mehndi ceremony plays a vital role  in her life . 


 Menhadi ceremony

Mehandi has a property of cooling down the body temperature ,free from headache or nausea . The bride applies Mehandi on both of her hand and Leg . There are different kinds of designs which are made  on the bride’s hands and legs . Not just the bride applies mehndi on her hand but also the women in the family apply mehndi on her hand .

During the mehndi ceremony , Sangeet plays an  essential part  . All family members dance together In full masti . Some of them perform solo dances on Bollywood  songs Which become memorable moments for everyone in his/her life . A big smile can be seen on everyone’s face during the dance .

Haldi ceremony

 Everyone must have been aware of the fact that the HALDI or turmeric has the healing properties . The healing properties of haldi or turmeric are well defined in Ayurveda .

Haldi has been used as a beauty product since ancient times . To bring glow on the skin or lightening up the skin ,  nothing is more suitable than  haldi and that’s the reason haldi ceremony is important in Marriage . 

Haldi ceremony

Haldi made at home is generally used for marriages or Hindu wedding . This homemade Haldi is  smeared on the bride or groom’s skin by family members So that  the skin can get lightened up And give it a new look . In some families , only the married couple are allowed  to apply haldi on the bride or the groom’s body or skin .

 During the haldi ceremony , the family members used to play  Holi with haldi Which looks very fascinating and very attractive . The kind of jokes passed on during marriages can make you laugh In such a way that you may feel pain in your stomach .   The level of happiness and Madness  which you will see in marriages will just blow your mind . 


Jaimala ceremony

This ceremony  is  considered to be the most  lovable ceremony because here the role of beautification comes into the picture for both the bride’s and the groom’s . After lightning up with haldi they make  themselves  ready for Jaimala .

 Every girl has a dream of wearing a lehenga of her own  choice in her marriage or in Hindu wedding . Bride adorning herself with her favourite lehenga , with favourite jewellery (specially of gold made ) , favourite accessories , favourite bangles ,Favourite maang-tika , and whatnot . The list is uncountable .

She looks the most beautiful woman  in the world during her marriage .No Words can describe the beauty of a bride  in just two or three lines .The Groom  too looks stunning in his marriage ,after all he is getting what he has wished for ,  his love of life . 

When baraat comes at the door of the bride’s  residence ,  the male members of the bride’s family  put garlands into the male members of the  groom’s family’s neck . This ritual is called samdhi Milan .

Now the entry of the bride comes into the picture with great gaiety which is completely a priceless moment for everyone . The bride and the groom come  on the stage and put the garland into each other’s neck With a great smile on their face . 


Mandap ceremony 

After Jaiamala ,  the bride and the groom have to sit together in Mandap and do the rituals . Mandap is a kind of canopy which has four pillars and these four pillars are made  up from  bamboos and are decorated with attractive flowers . 

 What is kanyadaan ?

 Kanyadan is done by  the  bride’s father . We do Daan of those which are very dear to our hearts And daughter is someone who is very dear to a father’s heart .  No one can take the place of a daughter  in a father’s life .  So that’s why  this Daan  is called as Maha Daan . 



What is Agni- Phere ?

In Agni phere , the bride and the groom have to walk around the holy fire to take the vows  of keeping each other happy . The question arises why  both of them have to take the vows In presence of Agni?? 

 According to Ayurveda the human body have significantly four kinds of fire  in which Jatharagni is the most prominent fire . Due to the presence of jatharagni ,the digestion process occurs in our body .

In the absence of Jatharagni , a human body cannot survive . And that is why , the Agni becomes the witness of the bride and the groom’s vows of “ Jab tak is Agni  ka vaas is Sharir mein rahega tab tak tum meri jeevansangini Bankar Rahoge “ . In english “ Till the time the Agni exists in my body you will be my  better  half “ . 

During Sindoor Bharai , the groom put the Sindoor (vermillion) on the  hair partition Of his bride . This Sindoor indicates that the bride has now committed to one person in her life  forever and  the groom too is committed to one person in his life . And this is how the Mandap ceremony rituals end . 

Vidaai ceremony

In Hindu wedding this is the last ceremony of the  marriage  in which the bride and grooms take the blessings of family members by touching their feet and also take the blessings of the God and goddess  for their new beginning of  life .

Leaving the house where the bride has spent her  whole life   is the toughest task  to do . A lot of emotions come out from everyone’s heart  When the bride leaves the house . You will not find even a single person without Tears in her/his eyes . And this is how the  Vidaai ceremony goes on . 


Hindu wedding is not just a word or steps to be followed but an emotion or completely indulged with scientific reasons which can not be denied . It is a pious relationship between two family and couple which last forever .


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