Top 8 strange facts of puri Jagannath temple | Krishna’s heart

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Jagannath temple in Puri of state Odisha , is the eternal abode of Jagannath . The word ” Jagannath” itself define the Lord Vishnu as the ” Lord of Universe” . There are four Dhamas (Dwarika , Rameshwaram , Puri , Badrinath ) in which Jagannath  Puri is one of the Dhama for Pilgrimages in Bharat which is situated near Golden Beach. 

 Since ancient time , devotees from all over the world come here to experience the divine  on the planet Earth . Jagannath Temple is considered as ” Baikuntha” of LORD VISHNU on planet Earth. There are three deities worshipped in Temple (Lord Krishna , his younger sister Subhadra , and his elder brother Balbhadra . 

Scriptures in Hinduism like : Vedas , Puranas refer him as ” Purushottama” . Jagannath temple was built in 12th century by Ananta Varman  Chodaganga Deva .However , it was completed by Anangabheema Deva III in 1230 AD and installed  the Deities here. Though the story of  ” Lord Jagannath ” had been started in Satya Yuga .


    Jagannath temple story

According to  Purana , there was a king named Indrayumana who was ruling over the Malava in SatYuga ( period of Truth ) . He was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu . When he came to know about the worship of  image Vasudeva  made of blue sapphire also called   ” NilMadhava ” On Nil Hill by Sabaras ,he deputed Vidyapati to find the location .

 After covering a long distance , finally Vidyapati found VishwaBasu,  the head of Tribal clan ( Sabaras ) . He requested him to provide  Darshan of ” Nilmadhva ” . After convincing him that Nilmadhava will be Consecrated by Indrayumna in coming days , he got the Divine Darshan of NilMadhava . 

 After hearing the experience of Vidyapati , he arranged a visit to the place of worship of Divine . After reaching there , he performed  one thousand  Ashwamedha Jajna ( a thousand horse sacrifice ) . Before completing the final offering , a massive wooden log ( Daru)  appeared on the shore of the sea , impressed with the conch shell . The king brought that wooden log ( Daru) in Mahavedi .

Now it was time to make the image of Lord Vishnu out of this wooden log. For that he released a statement  to the public to provide him the most  skilled person who can carve  Lord Vishnu  image   out of this wooden log . But no one of them was able to make  any impression on the log . The king Indryuman got distressed when no one got success in carving .

Suddenly from somewhere , an old aged man came and told the king to give him the permission to carve the image of Lord Vishnu . King acceded and gave  him permission .  But the old aged man put a condition to the king that he wanted to carve  in a closed free space for 21 days .

Though it was a strange condition  but King had no other option so he agreed to the condition . 

As the time passed on ,  both the king and the queen were becoming impatient . On day 15 , the queen didn’t control her desire to see the carving of Lord Vishnu and so the king decided to open the door .  

When they entered the closed free space, they were amazed to find no one in the space except the images of Jagannath , Subhadra and Balabhadra .

 The images were incomplete .They were carved without having legs and only had the stumps of arms . The incompleteness was because of the disturbance it occurred due to the opening of the spaces without the completion of 21 days . 

The King , Indrayuman suddenly got a click in his mind that the old aged man was none other than the divine architect , God Vishwakarma . Now he was satisfied that these are the forms in which these God and Goddess should be installed in the temple . And this is how the temple of Lord Jagannathn came into existence . 

The present temple of Lord Jagannath which we see today in Puri is said to be built by King Anangabhima Deva in the 12th century ( 1198 A.D.)

krishna’s heart story in puri

 As one more story catches the eye of common people related to ” KRISHNA’S HEART ” is that , that in  Divine wooden log ( Daru ) , ” LORD JAGANNATH” , the Krishna’s physical heart is still present there . On 15th June 2015 , at midnight, something very strange had been seen in Jagannath temple  Puri. The Power supply  had been shut down in Puri .

Lord Jagannath

It’s said that , that Krishna’s heart was being removed from the main idol which later had been set into another Divine wooden idol .

It’s been said that , that heart can generate power and will start to vibrate when expose to any form of energy . Its sound something like Nuclear Reactor . Even the Pandas who replace this heart have to wear gloves and take full protection . The priests have to change the idol on every 12 years .

 There are many evidence which have proven that at the time of Mahabharata , many advanced technologies were used which later on get destroyed by invaders . Krishna was the incarnation of Lord Vishnu . After physical death of Krishna , his heart didn’t get burnt during cremation because it was not made of flesh . Then finally it was set into the divine  wooden log ” Jagannath ” in Puri  and been worshipped by devotees . 

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  Architecture of Jagannath Puri  Temple

  •   Jagannath temple is built in Kalinga style architecture.
  • It is built on an elevated area of  20 ft above the surrounding area . It covers the area of 10.7 acre . The temple has four gate in four direction to reach the Lord Jagannath . These gate have significant meaning as per hindu dharma ( right conduct , knowledge , renunciation and prosperity )
  • The gate in east direction of Jagannath temple is known as Lion gate , in the west known as Tiger Gate , in the north known as Elephant Gate , in the south known as Horse Gate . It has two very big concentric wall .
  • The outer wall is called as Meghanada Prachira and inner wall called as Kurma Prachira .
  •  The outer wall of Jagannath temple has the length of 665 ft  from east to west direction and breadth of 640ft from north to south . There is a pillar in front of Lion Gate which is known as Aruna Stambha ( solar pillar ) which is 36 ft in height . At the top of the solar pillar , Aruna (sun) is mounted in a prayer mode .
    Architect of Jagannath temple
    • To reach the inner compound of  the Jagannath temple , one has to climb 22 steps through the  Lion Gate . These 22 steps are considered to be the most sacred . Devotees touch these steps in reverence and allow their child to roll down on these steps .

    Rath Yatra of Jagannath temple Puri

    According to Brahma Purana ,king Indradyumna of satyuga requested Lord Vishnu to have your Yatra (journey ) near my  sarovar ( Indradyumna sarovar ) for one week . Lord Vishnu said “ so be it “ and added that this journey will be famous with the name Gundicha Yatra which will be beneficial for all humankind.

    Rath Yatra or Gundicha yatra is the festival of chariots of Lord Jagannath which is celebrated  on the 2nd day of bright fortnight of Ashadha every year   .

    Jagannath Puri Yatra


    Millions of people participate in this Rath Yatra . The all presiding deities  ( Jagannath ,Balbhadra , subhadra ) in Jagannath Temple  are taken out from the temple for their divine Yatra .  The huge colourful and magnifciant  Chariots are drawn by devotees . Just a mere touch of chariot can bring peaceful life and have a place in heavenly abode . witnessing the  Yatra also can give you miracle life . There is nothing more auspicious than witnessing Rath Yatra . There are many rituals done before the beginning of Rath Yatra and also after completing the Yatra . 

    Seven mysterious facts of Jagannath Temple Puri

    •  Often , we notice  birds flying above the temples  . But not in this case . It has become a mystery for all , even for scientists that why there is no birds fly over the temple . It can be considered of  some divine energy which must have been sensed by birds which stop them to fly over the temple .
    • The Sudarshan Chakra fitted at the top of the Jagannath temple is certainly a divine because when you try to see it from any direction , you will find that Chakra is facing towards you . The kind of Architecture seen in this temple is just beyond the imagination of even the advanced technology . 
    Sudarshana chakra of Jagannath Temple
    • The priest used to change the top flag of the temple every day without any protection and the height of  the Temple is  about 214 feet . It ‘s been said that even one skip of changing the flag happen , the temple will get shut down for coming 18 years . 
    •  Generally we see that flag on sheep or on any temple used to fly in the direction of the wind but the flag at top of this Mandir used to fly opposite to the direction of wind . No one till now has the answer  of this tricky question . 


    • I have not seen  till now , any object which doesn’t make  any shadow  but  Jagannath temple used to known for its no shadow . This is actually beyond science . Scientist need centuries to find out the reason of ” NO SHADOW ” .


    • You will shocked to know that Prasadam which are distributed among devotees are never get wasted or never shortage of Prasadam have been seen in case of extra devotees come . This is just another divine power of Mandir which you can see there . 
    Mahaprasad of Lord Jagannath temple


    • Prasadam are cooked in seven pots on firewood . The pots are kept on one another . But  you will surprise to know that the foodpot on top  get cooked first and foodpot at bottom get cooked at last .  Don’t try to do it at home because ultimately you are going to burn the whole container . 

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     Visiting time for Jagannath temple 

    Devotees who want to visit Jagannath Temple Puri should follow below guidelines .
    • All devotees should bring their identity card like Adhaar or voter ID card .
    • All devotees will enter through Lion Gate and exit from Uttardwara after having Darshan . 
    • Queue system will open from 7 a.m. 
    • There is a complete ban on polythene inside the Temple .
    • Devotees are requested to not touch the statue inside Temple .

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    •   FAQ (Frequently asked Questions )

    At which time , we can have the Darshan of Lord Jagannath ??

    You can have Darshan of Jagannath at around 5 a.m . till late night .

    At what time Mahaprasadam is distributed among devotees ??

    You can have the Mahaprasada ( Rice , dal , curry ) at any time in area called ” Aananda Bazaar ” inside the Temple .

    Who can visit Jagannath temple ??

    Only Hindus are allowed to visit the temple .

    Can Physical challenged people visit the Jagannath Temple ??

    Off course . There is free service of battery operated vehicles which you can have from Jagannatha Ballav Parking Place .

    Is mobile phone or camera allowed in Jagannath Mandir ??

    No. Not allowed

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