Indian History

The Great Shivaji Maharaj
Published – 2024/02/01 at 11:44 pm
All the kings and princes trembled on hearing the name Shivaji Maharaj. His activeness and nimbleness couldn’t be defeated by anyone. Due to guerilla warfare , his infantry was considered to be the most excellent infantry in the world .

Why Shivaji was coronated
2024/04/16 at 3:48 pm
A huge misconception has been floated by misguided beings that Shivaji was entirely hated by the Brahmins for his Shudra caste and that’s why he was consecrated to raise his caste status. The truth is far beyond this narration.

The great Military strength of Shivaji
2024/03/01 at 4:20 pm
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj possesses the highest military strength of Marathas and qualities of chivalrous courage , vigilant power and abundant resourcefulness.

Samarth Ramdas – The Guru of Shivaji
2024/02/11 at 7:47 pm
Shivaji wanted a symbol of Samarth Ramdas to keep it with himself out of his great devotion for his Guru. So Ramdas gave his permission to use Saffron color for his flag. Since then the bhagwa flag of Marathas got printed in the pages of history.

Jijabai – The mother of Shivaji Maharaj
2023/12/26 at 11:23 pm
Jijabai was one of the most prominent women who had played a significant role in rising the Power of Hind -Swarajya through Shivaji in the history of India. Jijabai was the wife of Shahaji Bhosale and the mother of

Shahaji Raje Bhosale – Father of the great Shivaji
2023/12/17 at 10:51 pm
Shahaji Raje or Shahaji Raje Bhosale was a prominent 17th century military leader and a Maratha noble of Indian history who had served three kingdoms during his career, under Nizamshahi of Malik Ambar, Mughal Empire and Bijapur sultanate .

First Anglo-Maratha war – victory of Marathas
2024/03/23 at 9:23 pm
First Anglo-Maratha war is one of the most popular Historical events of the 18th century fought between the British ( East India company) and the great Marathas.

Mahadji Shinde – A great warrior and chief commander who continued the legacy of Marathas
2024/03/12 at 4:43 pm
Mahadji Shinde popularly known as Mahadji Scindia was a great military commander of the Marathas and the leader of Gwalior who had successfully uplifted the sovereignty and legacy of Marathas under the Peshwa Madhava Rao , after losing third battle of Panipat in 1761
medieval History
In-depth knowledge of our Indian History .
- How the king raised and took the battle against Invaders .
- Great Administration to serve the society for their maximum benefits.
- Their heroic and valorous act were the reasons behind restoring and securing India’s Identity .
ancient India
Source of knowledge distributor to all around the world
- Ancient university of world : Nalanda and Takshashila university
- Indian Gurukul
- Indian civilization – The oldest civilization of the world .
Not just a building but a place to invoke your higher consciousness or chetna
- Temples in ancient India was built as per agamas
- Each temple of ancient India was charged to awaken our particular chakras .
- Some temples of India were formed with such specific charging elements that they either restrict entry of men or entry of women .
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2023/02/05 at 11:32 pm
Guliga Daiva of ‘ Kantara ‘ is the living tradition of worshipping stone in Tulu Nadu and Udupi district of Karnataka and also some parts of Kerala . This is the tradition which passes on generation to generation orally .

ambila dharma
2023/10/03 at 11:23 pm
Yahwant Rao Holkar :
He had played a significant role in destabilizing the British power in his period . That was the time when the Marathas were seeing their downfall and loosing one after another territories to the British .
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Ancient India

Top 10 most destructive weapons used in Mahabharata war
ambila dharma
2023/06/29 at 9:53 pm
Weapons of Mahabharata war were of spectacular and of rare characters which can’t be understood easily with a confined mindset. The Mahabharata war is the most Epic War ever fought in the world history. It was a war between Pandava and Kaurava for the shake of protecting Dharma . The war was so dreadful that billions of great warriors lost their life and only eleven of them lived .

Know the importance of ancient education system in India
ambila dharma
2023/05/31 at 12:25 am
As it is known to the world that ancient education system in India was the most advanced education which was comprised of Mathematics , Samkhya, Veda, Itihasa, Purana, Nirghandu ( dictionary ), Nigama , Chandas, Astrology , Vyakaran , Yogam, Vaiseshikam, Hetuvidya, Kavyam, Humor, Sakunathraya ( sounds of birds ) and etc.

Lord Parshuram | Surprising facts all you need to know
ambila dharma
2022/12/01 at 5:52 pm
Parshuram is the sixth Avatar (Incarnation) of Lord Vishnu and who obtained the axe from Lord Shiva after deep penance and wrote Dhanurveda which talks about the intense science of fighting a war .

Mention of Niyoga practice and tissue culture in Mahabharata
ambila dharma
2022/09/08 at 7:45 pm
Niyoga is an ancient practice of having sex without involving pleasure to continue the lineage which was performed by someone in case when the husband of a woman or man died earlier without having any child . One of the great example of Niyoga practice were the birth of Pandu and Dhritrashatra.

Historical background of Pushpak Vimana in ramayana| real or myth
ambila dharma
2022/08/19 at 12:39 am
The literal meaning of vimana is a Vehicle which can fly like birds and can easily travel from one place to another , through one Island to another and from one loka (dimension) to another loka .

Top 6 most famous ancient Martial arts in India
ambila dharma
2022/04/29 at 9:34 pm
Kalaripayattu is the mother of all martial arts . Historically , kalaripayattu originated in the third century BCE . kalari means Arena and Payattu means martial .

Major reason why a woman should not enter a temple during her menstruation
ambila dharma
2022/04/06 at 8:59 am
In ancient India there was a tradition of menarche celebration which means celebrating those first five days of a girl who experience menstruation first time in their life .
Ancient University

dance , Arithmetic , military art , law , poetry ,accountancy , agriculture ,cattle breeding ,Commerce ,archery ,surgery ,
divination , snake charming , paintings , art of finding treasures and more , were the parts of the academic center .